well, everyones been talking about this blogspot thing, so i figured i might as well start one..yeah? most of its going to be just posting of my photography since i cant find anywhere else to post them online when others can see them. but a little bit about me..well i'm a senior at bonneville high school in idaho falls! i'll be 18 on december 13th! woo hoo, right? riight. i work everyday from 2-6 at a place in town called the learning center. i work with a down-syndrome boy everyday. he is eight. he's a handful but he's very cute and fun to work with. I've been working at the learning center since june. I'm the laurel president and i'm on seminary counsel at school. I'm also on a co-ed competitive adult volleyball team so with that and school and work i feel like im always busy with something. but dont even worry, i'll make time for this little blog spot of mine. :) anyways, its late. going to bed! --karly*